Monday, July 23, 2012

Chemo Complete....

We had a Zumba Party on 6/30....It was a blast!  My sister put together a Zumba fundraiser for my family to help pay some bills!  A couple of my friends from High School now teach Zumba and volunteered to lead the party.  Thank you Letty, Laura, and Becky for doing this and everyone who came and donated!

Chemo is finally done!!! My daughter Karina decided to plan a surprise pink party since I was done with Chemo.  She was so excited and really wanted to celebrate.  She had my mom cook and made my sister take her to Party City to buy decorations.  She invited everyone over to my moms house last Thursday 7/12 and she made sure that I didn't get there until it was time!  She was even trying to take my key so I didn't just show up.  It was a very happy and emotional celebration. My brother bought me a shirt that says.....Breast Cancer Didn't Beat Me...which really made me cry! I am finally done with Chemo and I was there celebrating with my family! It was a great day!

I am still feeling a little tired, but I was told this was normal.  Some of my fingers are still numb and I also have stained nails, that I was told will grow out. I am now waiting for my hair to start growing back, which I read online take 6-8 weeks.  Oh well, I have been 4 months without it a few more isn't going to hurt!

It's surgery preparation time.  I will have surgery on 7/24...which is tomorrow.  I am a little nervous about the surgery, but I am praying that everything is going to be fine. I will not be able to drive for 3 weeks and I am not looking forward to being cooped up in the house for that long. 

Almost to the finish line!  Hopefully after tomorrow....I will be Cancer Free!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The finish line is within your grasp. You are one amazing, strong, beautiful woman Melissa Ramirez. LOVE YOU!!!
